Interview with Swami Satyananda Saraswati: “Teaching is a great responsibility not an egoistic act”
In these times of restlessness and confusion generated by the growing adulteration of yoga, talking to Swami Satyananda Saraswati is like going to the living source of this tradition in search of answers. And, he [...]

The search for Totality. (Altermon. Barcelona)
SWAMI SATYANANDA SARASWATI - LA BÚSQUEDA DE LA TOTALIDAD "The first big step on the spiritual path is realizing that you have a problem." Swami Satyananda Saraswati (Barcelona, 1955) is one of those people whose [...]

Mauna, The teaching of silence. Yoga en Red
Mauna, the teaching of Silence “All spiritual practices exist to help us enter the Great Silence. Inner silence is like a direct and transforming flow of knowledge. It is not about filling ourselves with intellectual [...]

The Upanishads of Yoga, a millennial teaching always alive
The Upanishads of Yoga are poorly understood and there are few translations into Western languages. Swami Satyananda Saraswati introduces us to this teaching that leads the yogi to the recognition of their plenitude. With his [...]

“The guidelines of yoga recognize sacredness in one’s life”
Swami Satyananda Saraswati: "The guidelines of yoga recognize sacredness in one's life, in one's neighbour, in every act" (Barcelona, 1955) He has lived three decades in India and knows the Hindu tradition in depth, [...]