
OM The lineage (Sampradāya) of Advaita Vedanta is traditionally considered to begin with the Absolute himself, who, manifesting himself as Śiva or Nārāyaṇa, gave this sacred teaching to Brahmā (the creator). Whom in turn, passed it on to his son Vasiṣṭha, who transmitted to Śakti, Parāśara, and to a long succession of sages (ṛṣis).Following up to; Gauḍapāda (author of the commentary of the Māṇḍūkya Upaniṣad, Māṇḍūkya Kārikās), Govindapāda (who was the Guru of Śrī Śaṇkarācārya), Śrī Śaṇkarā and his four disciples Sureśvarācārya, Toṭakācārya, Pādmapāda and Hastāmalaka.

This tradition has passed through a long succession of great masters and Jñānis whom have kept it alive until reaching our own Guru. Salutations to the lineage that always remains alive in the words of the mahātmas.

sadāśiva samārambhām śaṇkarācārya madhyamām asmadācārya paryantām vande guruparamparām

Salutations to the lineage. That originated from Sadāśiva, in the middle (continues) with Śrī Śaṇkarā, until reaching my own Guru.

nārāyaṇaṁ padma-bhavaṁ vasiṣṭhaṁ śaktiṁ ca tat-putra-parāśarañca vyāsaṁ śukaṁ gauḍa padaṁ mahāntaṁ govinda-yogīndram athāsya śiṣyam śrīśaṇkarācāryam athāsya padma pādaṁ ca hastāmalakañca śiṣyam taṁ toṭakaṁ vārtika-kāram anyān asmad-gurūn santatam ānato’smi

Before Nārāyana; before Brahmā, born of the lotus; before Vasistha; before Śakti and her son Pāraśara;
before Vyāsa, before Śuka and the great Gaudapāda; before Govindapāda, the greatest of the yogīs;
before his disciple Śankarāchārya; before his disciples, Padmapāda, Hastāmalaka; Totakāchārya and
Sureśvarāchārya, writer of the commentary, and before the rest of our Guru lineage, I bow forever.


Swami Nityananda

Swami Muktananda

Swami Satyananda Saraswati

“The true disciple enjoys the guidance of his guru, the blessing of his lineage and the protection of the tradition and all its mahātmas

Swami Satyananda Saraswati